13 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Changing Spelling Removes Word Associations
Take the word ghost, for example. Always having
seen it speld in this way, we hav come to associate the
feelings arousd by the idea ghost with its accustomd
form of visual representation. To meet the word in
our reading instantly and instinctivly excites those
feelings in our minds. To meet the same word speld
gost, shorn of its familiar h, shocks us, and causes a
temporary mental inhibition of the idea. The word
seems to hav lost, with the missing letter, something
of the wierdness ...24 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Environmental Variation Improves Creativity
It also suggests, at least to me, that creativity can be enhanced deliberately through environmental variation. Two techniques seem promising: varying what you learn and varying where you learn it. I try each week to read a scientific paper in a field new to me—and to read it in a different place.
New associations often leap out of the air at me this way. More intriguing, others seem to form covertly and lie in wait for the opportune moment when they can click into place. I do not try to ...Folksonomies: cognition creativity
Folksonomies: cognition creativity
Jason Zweig describes how new experiences prompt new associations.
07 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Inventors Know How to Fail
An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn't take his education too seriously. You see, from the time a person is six years old until he graduates form college he has to take three or four examinations a year. If he flunks once, he is out. But an inventor is almost always failing. He tries and fails maybe a thousand times. It he succeeds once then he's in. These two things are diametrically opposite. We often say that the biggest job we have is to teach a newly hired employee how to fail intell...In this way they are different from students, who only know success. Quote from Charles F. Kettering.
04 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Enemies Make the Best Peer Reviewers
One way of dealing with errors is to have friends who are willing to spend the time necessary to carry out a critical examination of the experimental design beforehand and the results after the experiments have been completed. An even better way is to have an enemy. An enemy is willing to devote a vast amount of time and brain power to ferreting out errors both large and small, and this without any compensation. The trouble is that really capable enemies are scarce; most of them are only ordi...Quoting Georg von Békésy, who says that enemies will work hard to disprove you for free, but sometimes they are ruined by becoming friends.